Electronics Design Consultancy
What we do
Our unique design approach delivers innovative electronic products
How does it work
White papers, technical notes and use studies
Virtual On-Site™
Toolchain to work with partners remotely

Virtual On-Site™ has been designed for engineers and managers to collaborate on project-hardware from remote locations. It provides a high level of insight and technology transparency on electronic hardware.
Virtual On-Site™ offers unique benefits and features:
- Customer expectations to be met.
- Multiple live cameras to view project work.
- Maxwell™ used for project-hardware development.
- Connects teams together for project-hardware reviews.
- Emulator systems where required to replicate project dependencies.
- Reduces the technical risk associated with technology developments.
- Technical Design File with notes for easier understanding of functionality.
- Maintain schedules, ensure technical conveyance, and managing project costs.
- Enables teams to work on single project-hardware platforms from remote locations.
Hardware toolchain to develop electronics
Maxwell™ enables us to work with your engineers on hardware from any global
location via the internet. It operates at a deep technology level to provide project hardware analysis and development capability.
location via the internet. It operates at a deep technology level to provide project hardware analysis and development capability.
Maxwell™ offers unique benefits:
- Project-hardware debugging electronics on I2C, SPI, UART, CANbus and Modbus.
- Project-hardware custom-specification platform for any required function.
- Fast development of project hardware and software from data outputs.
- Header interface on project hardware is the only requirement.
- Eliminates the need for team all being local to hardware.
- Project-hardware ARM core chip programming.
- Maxwell™ is a component of Virtual On-Site™.
- Project-hardware power on-off control.
- Connects to computer via USB

Get in touch
Silicon Cortex Limited
Eagle Lab
28 Chesterton Road
Great Britain